Class 5 Social Studies Chapter 13 Extra Questions include the important questions from all the topics. Class 5 Social Studies Chapter 13 Extra Questions are easy and simplified solutions.

Class 5 Social Studies Chapter 13 Extra Questions
Class 5 Social Studies Chapter 13 Extra Questions
1. What is a machine?
Answer: A machine is a tool that helps us in performing any work easily and makes our life easier.
2. How bronze is better than Copper?
Answer: Bronze is a mixture of copper and tin. It is harder than copper. Bronze tools are better than copper tools.
3. Who was Alessandro Volta?
Answer: Alessandro Volta was the first person to make a battery that could generate an electric current in the wire.
4. What is a generator?
Answer: A generator is a machine that produces electricity.
5. What is a conventional source of energy?
Answer: The sources of energy that have been commonly used for many years. Coal, Petroleum, natural gas, hydroelectricity, etc. are some examples.
6. What are the examples of alternative sources of energy?
Answer: Atomic energy, solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy, etc. are some examples of alternative sources of energy.
7. What is used to run a generator?
Answer: Coal, petrol, diesel, or natural gas is used to run the generators.
8. What is the factory system?
Answer: Set up of large machines to produce goods in large quantities is known as a factory. The Group of such factories was called the factory system.
Class 5 Social Studies Question Answers
Class 5 Social Studies Extra Questions
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