Class 5 Social Studies Chapter 15 Extra Questions covers all the important questions from all the topics. Class 5 Social Studies Chapter 15 Extra Questions are simplified and easy to understand.

Class 5 Social Studies Chapter 15 Extra Questions
1. What are the examples of natural disasters?
Answer: Earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions, droughts, cyclones, hurricanes, tsunamis, etc.
2. What is Seismology?
Answer: The study of earthquakes is called seismology.
3. What are Seismographs?
Answer: The instrument that is used to study earthquakes are called seismographs.
4. What is a Richter Scale?
Answer: The scale at which the intensity of an earthquake is measured is called the Richter scale.
5. What does a Richter scale tell us about earthquakes?
– 3 or less on the Richter scale is a weak earthquake.
– Above 3 and below 6 on the Richter scale is a moderate earthquake.
– Above 6 on the Richter scale is a strong and destructive earthquake.
6. Describe the Earthquake that came in 2001 in India?
Answer: On 26 January 2001, A massive earthquake came in the city of Bhuj in Gujarat. It caused so much destruction. About 20,000 people lost their lives.
7. How are buildings constructed to sway with the earthquakes?
Answer: These days earthquake-proof buildings and bridges are constructed so that these don’t collapse during earthquakes.
8. What are aftershocks?
Answer: Smaller shocks shake the ground repeatedly even after several days after the earthquake. These small shocks are called aftershocks.
9. How does a flood affect our lives?
> Floods damage crops, roads, buildings, etc.
> They also affect electricity and water supply.
> Transport and communication are disturbed by floods.
> Floods cause a shortage of food and shelter.
> Floods cause unhygienic conditions that cause the break out of diseases.
10. What are the advantages of floods?
Answer: Floodwater brings new soil from the hills and deposits in the plain areas. This process makes the plain areas very fertile and very good for agriculture.
11. How can we prevent floods?
> High embankments – Prevent floods.
> Trees (afforestation) – To control the speed of the water.
> Check dams – To check the flow of water and prevent floods.
12. What are tidal waves?
Answer: The high waves caused by very strong winds and heavy rains are called tidal waves.
13. Which states are prone to cyclones?
Answer: Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, Gujarat, and Maharashtra.
14. Which states are frequently affected by floods?
Answer: Utter Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Assam.
15. How can we stay safe from cyclones?
Answer: We can go to a safer place (away from the coastal areas) when there is a warning of cyclones. We can take our animals and belongings with us to a safer place.
16. What are check dams?
Answer: Check dam is a small and temporary dam constructed in the flow of water to prevent floods.
17. What is a drought?
Answer: Severe shortage of water is called drought. Rivers and ponds dry up. Crops don’t grow due to the shortage of water. Animals also die due to the shortage of water and fodder.
18. What is a famine?
Answer: When people die due to a shortage of food, it is called famine.
19. What is an epidemic?
Answer: When so many people in an area due to diseases. it is called an epidemic.
20. How dangerous can a tsunami be?
Answer: In a tsunami, a series of high waves are generated. These waves can be high up to 20 meters and these waves can travel up to hundreds of kilometers per hour. These waves strike suddenly and cause great damage.
21. Describe the tsunami of 2004?
Answer: On 26 December 2004, a huge tsunami hit several south and south-eastern countries in Asia. Almost 3 lakh people were killed and so much destruction was caused.
22. Which government organization does the relief work during a natural disaster?
Answer: NDRF – Natural Disaster Response Force
Class 5 Social Studies Question Answers
Class 5 Social Studies Extra Questions
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