Class 5 Social Studies Chapter 6 Notes cover all the topics in a simplified and precise way. Class 5 Social Studies Chapter 6 Notes are easy to understand and learn for the exams. Class 5 Social Studies Chapter 6 Notes are very helpful for a quick revision of the chapter Greenland – The Land of the Ice and Snow.

Class 5 Social Studies Chapter 6 Notes
Greenland is a self-governing province of Denmark. Nuuk (Earlier known as Godthab) is the capital of Greenland.
>Greenland is the largest island in the world but not a continent.
>Eric, the Red was the first European explorer who reached Greenland. Greenland’s name was given by him.
>Greenland is located in the North-Western part of the world.

Climate of Greenland
>Greenland lies in the Frigid zone as the arctic circle passes through the southern part of Greenland.
>Greenland has a very cold climate. The region is also known as the Tundra region.
>80% of Greenland is covered with ice.
>The southwestern coast of Greenland is the warmest part of Greenland. Most of the population lives here only.
Iceberg – Huge pieces of ice breaking off and floating in the sea is called iceberg.

Vegetation of Greenland
>No forests and no crops are grown in this area as most of the part is covered with ice.
>Only a few plants like sedge, cotton grass, and lichen grow during the summers in the southern part of Greenland.
Wildlife of Greenland
>Animals that can withstand extreme cold are found in Greenland.
>Polar bears, reindeer, musk ox, wolves, arctic fox, seals, and some variety of fishes are found in Greenland.
>Some birds are also found in Greenland.
People of Greenland
>The Inuits (also called Eskimos) were the original inhabitants of Greenland.
>Inuits don’t like to be called Eskimos as Eskimos mean “eaters of raw meat”.
>Inuits are hunters and live by fishing and hunting.
>People use the skin and fur of the animals for clothing purposes.
>Earlier bows and harpoons were used to hunt but now guns are used.
>Earlier Inuits were nomads.
>Nomads – People who roam around from one place to another place. Nomads don’t have permanent houses.

>People use sleds pulled by the dogs.
>Boats, called Kayaks, were used for fishing in the sea.
>Now people use motorized sleds and motorboats for fishing.
>Inuits used to live in temporary houses made of ice blocks. These houses are called Igloos.
>Igloo means house for the Inuits. Igloos might be made of ice, wood, or bricks for the Inuits.
>Now Inuits have moved to a settled life in the villages or small towns.
>People wear clothes made of animal skin and fur.
>People wear jackets with hoods lined with fur. These clothes are called Parkas.
>The population of Greenland is about 56 thousand.
>The population has a mixture of Inuits and Europeans mostly.
>Almost all the population lives on the southwestern coast of Greenland.
>There are towns with modern facilities i.e. electricity, permanent houses, schools, hospitals, etc.
>Nuuk has the highest population of about 15,500.
>Holsteinsborg (now Sisimiut) is the second largest town with a population of about 5,500.
Agriculture and Industry
>Fish processing is the major industry.
>Sheep are raised in small numbers on the south-western coast.
>Some part of the south-western coast is suitable for crops like potatoes.
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