Important phobia words for competitive exams

100+ important phobia words for competitive exams includes all the important words having phobia suffix.

100+ important phobia words for competitive exams
Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Important phobia words for competitive exams (1 – 10)

ClaustrophobiaFear of closed places
BibliophobiaFear of books
BacteriophobiaFear of bacteria
InsectophobiaFear of insects
CynophobiaFear of dogs
CyberphobiaFear of computers
AnthropophobiaFear of people
Hemophobia (Hematophobia)Fear of blood
ZoophobiaFear of animals
AndrophobiaFear of humans

Important phobia words for competitive exams (11 – 20)

Cacophobia Fear of ugliness
DentophobiaFear of dentists
ChromophobiaFear of colors
GamophobiaFear of marriages
GynophobiaFear of women
MicrophobiaFear of tiny things
SomniphobiaFear of falling asleep
HydrophobiaFear of water
AcrophobiaFear of great heights
ThanatophobiaFear of death

Also read, 100+ important ology words for competitive exams