NCERT Class 6 Geography Chapter 8 Extra Questions cover all the topics in a simplified and precise way. NCERT Class 6 Geography Chapter 8 Extra Questions are easy to understand and learn for exams.

NCERT Class 6 Geography Chapter 8 Extra Questions
1. True or False
(i) Lakshadweep islands are coral islands. True
(ii) The eastern coastal plains are much broader. True
(iii) The Northern Indian plains lie to the south of the Himalayas. True
(vi) High concentration of population is found in plateaus. False
2. What is a peninsula?
Answer: A peninsula is a piece of land surrounded by water on all the three sides.
3. What are polyps?
Answer: Polyps are small marine animals.
4. What is the difference between the western coastal plains and the eastern coastal plains?
Answer: The Western coastal plains are very narrow while the eastern coastal plains are much broader.
Eastern coast is called Coromondel coast. Western coast is called Malabar coast.
5. What is the political and administrative division of India?
Answer: India is divided into 28 states and 9 Union Territories for political and administrative purpose. Delhi is the capital of India.
States have been formed on the basis languages. These states have been further divided into districts. Districts are further divided into blocks.
6. Describe the locational settings of India?
Answer: India is located in the north-eastern part of the world. The Tropic of Cancer (23.5° N) passes almost halfway through the country.
India is located between 8° 4′ N and 37° 6′ N latitudes south to north and between 68° 7′ E and 97° 25′ E longitudes from west to east.
7. Describe the physical division of India.
There is a variety of geographical feature found in India. It is very diverse culturally as well as geographically.
The Himalayas:
>Located in the North.
>3 parallel ranges (Himadri, Himachal and Shivaliks)
The Northern Indian Plains:
>South to Himalayas.
>Very flat and fertile land.
>Thickly populated.
The Great Indian Desert (Thar Desert):
>Located in the Western part of India.
>Sandy stretch of barren land.
>Very low rainfall.
Hill Ranges:
>Aravali, Vidhayas, Satpura
>Most part of Aravali Range is located in Rajasthan.
>Vindhyas and Satpura are located in the Central India in MP.
Peninsular Plateau:
>Known as Deccan plateau.
>One of the oldest plateaus in the world.
>Approaximaely triangular in shape.
Western Ghats:
>Also known as Sahayadris.
>Loacted on the western coast of Indian peninsula.
Eastern Ghats:
>Located on the eastern coast of Indian peninsula.
>Eastern ghat is not irregular and uneven.
Coastal Plains:
>Malabar coast: West to Western ghats
>Coromondel coast: east to eastern ghats.
>Andaman and Nicobar Islands in the Bay of Bengal.
>Lakshadweep islands (coral islands) in the Arabian Sea.
>East flowing rivers. (Ex. Mahanadi, Ganga, etc.)
>West flowing rovers. (Ex. Narmada, Tapi, etc.)
>Sundarban Delta.
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