NCERT Class 7 Civics Chapter 1 Extra Questions from the chapter – On Equality. NCERT Class 7 Civics Chapter 1 Extra Questions includes all the important extra question answers in the simplified and precise way.

NCERT Class 7 Civics Chapter 1 Extra Questions
1. What is Joothan about?.
Answer: It is about the bitter experiences of growing up as a Dalit boy.
3. What do you mean by ‘dignity?
Answer: Dignity means thinking of oneself and others as worthy of self-respect.
3. What are the two ways in which the government has tried to implement the equality guaranteed in the constitution?
(i)Through laws
(ii)Through government programs or schemes to help unprivileged groups.
4. Who has been employed to cook the meal under midday meal schemes?
Answer: Dalit women.
5. How did B.R. Ambedkar view self-respect?
Answer: Dr. B.R. Ambedkar viewed self-respect as the most vital factor in life, without which man was zero/nothing.
6. What was the condition of the African-Americans in the United States of America prior to the 1950s?
Answer: Prior to the 1950s, African-Americans were treated extremely unequally in the USA and denied equality through the law.
NCERT Class 7 Civics Chapter 1 Extra Questions – Short Questions
7. Write any two different kinds of inequalities that exist in our country.
(a) Inequality based on religion (example – Ansari family)
(b) Inequality based on caste (example – Omprakash Valmiki)
8. What do you understand by equality in Indian democracy?
Answer: According to our Constitution, everyone is equal irrespective of their caste, religion, educational and economic background. Several laws have been implemented to protect people from discrimination. Although, inequality still exists in the country.
9. Describe the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Answer: The Civil Rights Act was passed in 1964. The Act prohibited discrimination on the basis of race, religion, or national origin. According to the act, all schools would be open to African-American children, and that they would no longer have to attend separate schools specially set up for them.
NCERT Class 7 Civics Chapter 1 Extra Questions – Long Questions
10. How does our Constitution ensure equality in society?
The provisions made in the constitution for the recognition of equality are as follow:
(a) Every person is equal before the law. Everyone has to obey the same laws.
(b) There should not be any discrimination on the basis of religion, caste, race, place of birth, or gender.
(c) Everyone has access to all public services and places.
(d) Untouchability has been abolished.
11. Why has equality in society not been achieved completely?
Answer: The government has been trying to establish equality by the laws and the schemes but inequalities still exist in our society. People still don’t follow the laws and their mindset is not changing because the inequalities have become part of our culture. Even today low caste people are being discriminated against and treated unequally based on caste, religion, economic status, disability, and gender. We should understand that everyone deserves to be treated equally and with dignity. The mindset and attitude of the people will change slowly.
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