Class 5 Social Studies Chapter 3 Extra Questions
Class 5 Social Studies Chapter 3 Extra Questions
1. What is the other name for Autumn?
Answer: The other name for Autumn is Fall. (leaves fall off the trees in this season)
2. What is the tilt of the Earth?
Answer: The Slanting of the Earth by 23.5 degrees is called the tilt of the Earth.
3. When does the Spring come to India?
Answer: Spring comes in India from March – April. Spring comes between the winter and the summer seasons.
4. What are the important positions of the Earth in its orbit around the Sun?
Periapsis: On this day, the Earth is nearest to the Sun. Generally, it comes around 3 January.
Apoapsis: On this day, the Earth is farthest from the Sun. Generally, it comes around 3 July.
21 March – The Earth receives an equal amount of heat in both hemispheres.
23 September – The Earth receives an equal amount of heat in both hemispheres.
The line connecting these two days is called the “Equinox“.
Line of Solstice:
21 June – The longest day (shortest night) in the Northern Hemisphere.
21 December – The shortest day (longest night) in the Northern Hemisphere.
The line joining these two days is called the “Line of Solstice“.
5. What causes the seasons?
Answer: The revolution and the obliquity of the Earth cause the seasons.
6. Which direction does the Earth rotate in?
Answer: The Earth rotates from the west to the east direction.
7. What would happen if the Earth’s axis is not tilted?
Answer: If the axis is not tilted then both the hemispheres will receive an equal amount of heat throughout the year. And we will not have the seasons. The Climate will be the same in both hemispheres.
8. What would happen if the Earth stops rotating?
Answer: One side of the Earth will always receive the Sunlight (daytime) and another part will always be dark (night).
9. Why does the Sunrise in the east direction and set in the west direction?
Answer: The Earth rotates from the west to the east direction. So the east side will face the Sun before the west side. That is why we see the Sunrise in the east and set in the west.
10. Why do we have opposite seasons in the Northern and Southern hemispheres?
Answer: The Earth is tilted by 23.5 degrees. Because of the tilt both the hemisphere receive different amounts of heat. If the Northern Hemisphere is facing the Sun then the Southern Hemisphere will be away from the Sun. Similarly, if the Northern Hemisphere is away from the Sun, the Southern Hemisphere will face the Sun.
The Hemisphere receiving more heat will experience the summer and another hemisphere will have winter.

Class 5 Social Studies Chapter 3 Extra Questions
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