Class 5 Social Studies Chapter 5 Notes from the Democratic Republic of Congo. Class 5 Social Studies Chapter 5 Notes cover all the topics in a precise way that is easy to learn.
The Democratic Republic of Congo
DRC is located in central Africa and it lies in the Tropical region (also called the Torrid zone) i.e. between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. The Equator passes through the DRC.
> Became independence from Belgium in 1960.
> Known as Belgian Congo till 1971.
> It was called ‘Zaire’ from 1971 to 1997.
> In 1997, its name was changed to the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Class 5 Social Studies Chapter 5 Notes
Neighboring countries sharing the borders with DRC
> The central African Republic, South Sudan in the North.
> Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania in the East.
> Angola, Zambia in the South.
> Congo in the West.
Important cities of the DRC
> The capital city is Kinshasa.
> Goma Bukavu, Bumba, Kisangani etc.
Domains (Reliefs) of the DRC
>> High mountains in the eastern edges.
>> Plateaus in the south and south-west parts.
>> The majority of the country is covered by the river basin or the river Congo.
>> The river Congo is the second largest river in Africa and the seventh-largest in the world.
>> The rainfall is very high in the DRC as the equator passes through it.
>> The DRC is covered with the highly-dense rain forests.
Climate of DRC
>> Very hot throughout the year because of the equator.
>> Rapid evaporation of the water and the high humidity due to the hotness.
>>Heavy rains due to the clouds formed by the evaporation of water.
>> One of the wettest places on the earth.
>>The South part of the DRC is not as hot as other parts. Summers are hot and wet; winters are cool and dry in the south parts.

Class 5 Social Studies Chapter 5 Notes
Vegetation of DRC
Dense rain forests cover most of the DRC due to heavy rainfall.
Forests are covered with leaves throughout the year. Hence they are called Evergreen forests.
The Congo rain forest is the second largest rain forest after the Amazon rain forest in South America.
A variety of trees and plants are found.
Tall trees make the Canopy of leaves.
Creepers, Climbers, Shrubs, etc might grow under the canopy.
Canopies prevent the sunlight to reach the ground.

Class 5 Social Studies Chapter 5 Notes
South parts of the DRC have grasslands with scattered trees called Savanna.

Class 5 Social Studies Chapter 5 Notes
Wildlife of DRC
Elephants, buffaloes, gorillas, chimpanzees, baboons, hippopotamuses and rhinoceros, etc are found in the forests.
Lions, leopards, giraffes, zebras, wolves, elephants, chimpanzees, etc found in the Savannas.
Many crocodiles are found in the rivers.
Many types of insects, birds are found in the forests.
the tsetse fly is the insect that causes the dreaded sleeping sickness.
The Congo African Grey Parrots are among the most intelligent birds.

Natural Resources of DRC
>> Rich in natural resources. Most of the minerals are exported.
>> Vast deposits of Copper, Cobalt, Gold, Uranium, and Diamonds.
>> World’s largest deposit of Cobalt.
>> With about 50% coverage with forests, DRC has one of the best forest resources in Africa.
>> DRC is assumed to be the richest country in terms of natural resources.
>> DRC has great water resources because of the rivers.
>> Electricity is produced by constructing dams.
Large areas of the forests are cleared for farming.
Cassava, Maize, Rice, Coffee, Cocoa, Rubber, and Cotton are the major crops grown and most of them are exported.
Rail and roads connect the major cities.
Other land transport is not well connected.
Water transport is the major means of transport because of the Congo and other rivers.
People of DRC
DRC is thinly populated. Most of the people live in the villages in the highlands of the eastern parts and along the rivers.
>> About 30% of the people live in cities with modern facilities.
>> Poor people live in crowded and unhealthy conditions in the slums of the cities.
>> Villagers live in groups or tribes in thatched huts.
There are about 200 tribes in DRC. Pygmies are the well-known inhabitants of DRC.
>> Pygmies have short heights. They hunt the animals and also gather food from plants.
>> Pygmies live in camps for a few weeks and then they move to new places.
>> They make their houses with branches and leaves.
>> They don’t wear many clothes but on special occasions, they have special clothes for rituals.
>> They enjoy singing, dancing and telling stories.

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