Class 6 History Chapter 2 Extra Questions from the chapter – From Hunting-Gathering to Growing Food. Class 6 History Chapter 2 Extra Questions covers all the important topics with simplified and precise answers.
Class 6 History Chapter 2 Extra Questions
- How did hunters-gatherers use the stone tools?
(1) To cut the meat and bones.
(2) To scrape bark of the trees and animal skins.
(3) To chop the fruits.
(4) Made spears and arrows using wood and bones for hunting.
(5) To dig the ground to collect edible fruits and roots.
(6) To stitch clothes made of animal skins.
(7) To chop firewood.
. - How did hunters-gatherers choose the places for living?
People chose the places to stay:
(1) Where they could find quality stones for making stone tools.
(2) Where water was available for drinking.
(3) Where food sources were available. (animals for hunting and forests for forest produces)
(4) Where they could find caves and rock shelters for protection.
. - How did the historians divide the stone age according to the stone tools?
Historians divided the stone age in three parts.
(1) Palaeolithic Age (Old Stone Age)
>> Palaeo means Old.
>> Lithos means Rocks.
Palaeolithic age extends from 2 millions years ago to 12000 years ago.
(It covers almost 99% of the human history)
(2) Mesolithic Age (Middle Stone Age)
>> Meso means Middle.
Mesolithic age extends from 12000 years ago to 10000 years ago.
Mesolithic age is also called the transition phase as the climate around this time period.
(3) Neolithic Age (New Stone Age)
>> Neo means New.
Neolithic Age extends from 10000 years ago to 5000 years ago. (approximately)
. - What types of stone tools were used in the stone age?
Stone tools used in the Palaeolithic age were bigger and did not have vary sharp edges.
Stone tools used in the Mesolithic age were tiny. They are called microliths.
Stone tools used in the Neolithic age were small, sharp and polished.
. - What is domestication?
The process of growing plants and looking after the animals as their pet is called domestication of plants and animals.
. - Name the Palaeolithic and Neolithic sites in India?
Important Palaeolithic Sites in India:
>> Bhimbetka, Madhya Pradesh
>> Hunsgi, Karnataka
>> Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh
Important Neolithic Sites in India:
>> Burzhom, Kashmir
>> Mehrgarh, Present-day Pakistan
>> Hallur, Karnataka
>> Paiyampalli, Tamil Nadu
>> Koldihwa, Uttar Pradesh
>> Mahagra, Uttar Pradesh
>> Chirand, Bihar - What are the characteristics of the Neolithic site of Mehrgarh?
Answer: Try to write yourself.
. - What are the characteristics of the Neolithic site of Burzhom?
Answer: Try to write yourself.

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Class 6 History Chapter 1 Extra Questions