Class 6 History Chapter 3 Extra Question Answers from the chapter – In the earliest cities.

Class 6 History Chapter 3 Extra Questions – MCQs
- The Great Bath has been discovered in
(a) Lothal
(b) Harappa
(c) Mohenjo-Daro
(d) Kalibangan
. - Most cities had the western part _______ and _______.
(a) smaller, higher
(b) smaller, lower
(c) larger, higher
(d) larger, lower
. - Which of these groups of people did not usually live in cities, but the countryside?
(a) rulers
(b) crafts persons
(c) farmers and herders
(d) scribes
. - The alloy of tin and _______ is called bronze.
(a) zinc
(b) copper
(c) gold
(d) platinum
. - The city of Lothal was situated beside a river which was a tributary of
(a) Ganga
(b) Sabarmati
(c) Narmada
(d) Kaveri
Class 6 History Chapter 3 Extra Questions – Fill in the blanks
- The western part of Harappan cities, which was usually smaller but higher, has been referred to as the citadel.
- The eastern part of Harappan cities, which was usually larger but lower, has been referred to as the lower town.
- The Great Bath was made water tight with a layer of natural tar.
- Scribes were people who knew how to write.
- Archaeologists have found spindle wheels, made of terracotta and faience.
- Spindle whorls were used to spin thread.
- The Harappans got copper from the present day Rajasthan.
- A tool called plough was used to dig the earth for turning the soil and planting seeds.
- Irrigation must have been used by farmers since the region of Harappa did not receive heavy rainfall.
- Sealings are impressions of seals on clay.
Class 6 History Chapter 3 Extra Questions – True or False
- The bricks in Harappa were laid in an interlocking pattern and that made the walls strong. True
- Special buildings were constructed in the lower town. False
- The houses of Harappa were not properly planned. False
- Harappan seals were made of metal. False
- The rainfall was low in the Harappa region. True
- The reasons for the end of the Harappan civilization are unknown. True
Class 6 History Chapter 3 Extra Questions
- When and how was the site of Harappa first encountered?
Around a hundred and fifty years ago, when railway lines were being laid in Punjab, engineers stumbled upon the site of Harappa.
. - How old are Harappa cities believed to be?
Harappa and other such cities are believed to have developed 4700 years ago.
. - What was the citadel?
The western part of most cities was smaller but higher, described as ‘citadel’ by archaeologists.
. - Give some important features of the Great Bath.
Answer: The Great Bath was lined with bricks, Coated with plaster, and made water tight with natural tar.
. - Name two cities which had fire altars.
Lothal and Kalibangan were cities with fire altars.
. - What were the three mayor categories of people in a Harappan city?
In Harappan cities, rulers, Crafts-persons and scribes were the three categories of people.
. - What were objects in Harappan cities made of?
Most Harappan objects were made of stone, shell and metal.
. - How do we know that cotton was grown in Mohenjo-Daro?
Archaeologists have found pieces of cloth with vases and other objects in Mohenjo-Daro. So cotton must have been grown.
. - Who was a ‘specialist’ in Harappan context?
A specialist was one who was trained to do one kind of work, e.g. cutting stone, polishing beads, or carving seals.
. - What is a raw material?
Raw materials are substances that are either found naturally or produced by farmers or herders.
. - Name some foreign countries from where raw materials were imported.
Raw materials were imported from Oman, Afghanistan, Iran, etc.
. - What was the use of the plough?
A plough was used to dig the earth for turning the soil and planting seeds.
. - Give one point of difference between Dholavira and other Harappan cities.
Unlike other Harappan cities which were divided into two parts, Dholavira was divided into three.
. - Where did people move to from Sind?
People moved into newer and smaller settlements to the east and the south.
Class 6 History Chapter 3 Question Answers