Class 6 Social Science Half Yearly Exam Solution

Class 6 Social Science Half Yearly Exam Solution includes important questions and their answers in simplified and precise way. Class 6 Social Science Half Yearly Exam Solution can help you practice and enhance your learning.

A. Choose the correct option for the following questions. (10 x 1 = 10)

1. Which of these statements is/are correct?
P: National Anthem gives the feeling of unity in diversity.
Q: Unity in diversity was coined by Sardar Patel.

(A) Only P is correct
(B) Only Q is correct
(C) Both P and Q are correct
(D) Both P and Q are incorrect

2. Which of these statements is/are correct for boys?
P: They are emotional.
Q: They are soft spoken and gentle.

(A) Only P is correct
(B) Only Q is correct
(C) Both P and Q are correct
(D) Both P and Q are incorrect

3. Which of these statements is/are correct?
P: Suffrage Movement was related to the voting right for women.
Q: People have voting right in a monarchical government.

(A) Only P is correct
(B) Only Q is correct
(C) Both P and Q are correct
(D) Both P and Q are incorrect

4. A group of _______ forming various patterns is called a ________.
(A) planets; solar system
(B) stars; galaxy
(C) stars; constellation
(D) constellations; galaxy

5. Which of the places with given longitudes is ahead in time?
Longitude P: 75° E
Longitude Q: 75° W

(A) P is ahead of Q
(B) Q is ahead of P
(C) Both P & Q have same time
(D) None of these

6. The angle between the Axis of the Earth and the vertical plane is
(A) 0°
(B) 23.5°
(C) 66.5°
(D) 90°

7. Which of these statements is/are correct?
P: Rice was first grown in the region north to the Vindhyas in the Indian Subcontinent.
Q: In the Mehrgarh region, Wheat and Barley were grown about 8000 years ago.

(A) Only P is correct
(B) Only Q is correct
(C) Both P and Q are correct
(D) Both P and Q are incorrect

8. Which of these statements is/are correct?
P: Bhimbetka is a Neolithic site.
Q: Pit houses are found at Burzhom, Kashmir.

(A) Only P is correct
(B) Only Q is correct
(C) Both P and Q are correct
(D) Both P and Q are incorrect

9. Which of the following is related to Fire-Altars?
(A) Harappa
(B) Mohenjo-Daro
(C) Lothal
(D) Dholavira

10. Which of these group of people did not live in the cities in the Indus Valley Civilization?
(A) Scribes
(B) Rulers
(C) Craft-persons
(D) Farmers and Herders

#Class 6 Social Science Half Yearly Exam Solution

B. Fill in the blanks. (10 x 1 = 10)

1. There will be spring season in the Southern Hemisphere during the month of September.
2. The circle that divides day and night on the Earth is called the Circle of illumination.
3. Days are longer during summer season.
4. Sunrays falls directly on the Equator during the spring season.
5. Satellite is a celestial body that moves around planet.
6. The smaller and higher part of the Harappan cities is described as Citadel.
7. Stone tools / Plough was used to dig the earth for turning the soil and planting seeds.
8. Daojali Hading (Meghalaya) is a Neolithic site in the Garo Hills.
9. Scribes were the people who knew writing in the Harappa cities.
10. Constructing a road between Ahmedabad and New Delhi is the responsibility of the Central Government.

#Class 6 Social Science Half Yearly Exam Solution

C. Choose True or False for the following. (10 x 1 = 10)

1. In the Southern Hemisphere, Days are shorter in the month of June. True
2. Jupiter is an inner planet that is the largest planet in the solar system. False
3. The culture of Kerala and Ladakh was influenced by the Chinese and the Arab traders. True
4. Asteroids are smaller than meteoroids. False
5. There are no other solar systems in our galaxy. False
6. Stone tools were not used in the Harappan Civilization because it was part of Bronze Age. False
7. Hallur and Paiyampalli the Palaeolithic sites located in the South India. False
8. Diversity of a place is decided by historical and geographical factors. True
9. Latitudes are useful in deciding the time zone of a place. False
10. On Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, sunrays directly fall on the equator. False

#Class 6 Social Science Half Yearly Exam Solution

D. Give one word for the following. (10 x 1 = 10)

A person who is trained to do only one kind of work.
🡺 Specialist

Process of growing plants and rearing animals for human use.
🡺 Domestication

A place where remains of old things are excavated by archaeologists.
🡺 Sites

Actual shape of the Earth.
🡺 Geoid Shape

Geoid Shape (Source)
Class 6 Social Science Half Yearly Exam Solution

The term used by the government for the Dalits.
🡺 Scheduled Castes (SC)

Handwritten text on palm leaves.
🡺 Manuscripts

Tiny stone tools used in Mesolithic age.
🡺 Microliths

Plane in which the Earth revolves around the Sun.
🡺 Orbital Plane

Government system where people participate in governing.
🡺 Democracy or Democratic Government

Unequal treatment to a person by someone.
🡺 Discrimination

#Class 6 Social Science Half Yearly Exam Solution

E. Answer the following questions within 30-40 words. (5 x 2 = 10)

1. What is the importance of laws in any country?
🡺 Laws bring discipline and stability in any country. If there are no rules or laws in the country then people will do whatever want and they might hurt others. There will be conflicts among the people and the country will not be progressing.

2. What were the possible reasons for the mysterious end of the Harappan Civilization?
🡺 Some of the possible reasons for the mysterious end of the Harappan Civilization are:
(1) Drying up of rivers.
(2) Deforestation due to the large demand of fire wood.
(3) Floods or any other natural disaster.
(4) Attack from Aryans.

3. How are latitudes related to the heat zones?
🡺 Latitudes are the imaginary horizontal lines. Some important latitudes are used to define the heat zones based on the amount of heat received.
The Earth is divided into the Torrid Zones, the Temperate Zone and the Frigid Zone and some of the important latitudes are taken as the boundaries between these heat zones.

4. What do you understand by the term “Unity in Diversity”?
🡺 Our country is the most diverse country in the world. We have people from various social and cultural backgrounds. We might be speaking different languages, following different religions or castes. But when it comes to our country, we all are united. We have one national anthem and one flag. Hence, we can say that despite all the diversity, we are united and Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru used this term “Unity in Diversity“.

5. What is the difference between prejudice and stereotype? Give one example of each.
🡺 Prejudice is to judge someone negatively based on their appearances, gender, religion or backgrounds without knowing them completely.
Example: If someone score less marks, he is considered unintelligent. (Prejudice)

Stereotype is to general opinions based on our prejudices. If fix people in a certain image, it is called stereotype.
Example: Girls are not good at sports. (stereotype)

#Class 6 Social Science Half Yearly Exam Solution

F. Answer the following questions within 50-60 words. (5 x 3 = 15)

1. How is a democratic government better than a monarchical government?
Answer: In a democracy, people participate in the formation of government and they participate in the decision making. In a monarchy, people are not involved. Only the King or Queen has the right to take decisions.

In a democracy, people can express their opinions but in a monarchy, people are not allowed to speak against the king or queen.

In a democracy, people has the voting rights and they can choose their leaders who can work for their welfare. In a monarchy, elections don’t happen.

2. Define Summer Solstice, Winter Solstice and Equinox.
Summer Solstice
is the position of the Earth in the orbit, when the hemisphere having summer season experiences the longest day and the shortest night.

Winter Solstice is the position of the Earth in the orbit, when the hemisphere having winter season experiences the longest night and the shortest day.

Equinox is the position of the Earth in the orbit in such a way that the sun rays falls directly on the Equator and both the hemispheres receive equal amount of heat and light. Hence the length of days and nights will be equal.

3. How did the people use stone tools in the stone age?
Stone tools were used:
> To cut meat and bones
> To scrape bark (from trees) and hides (animal skins)
> To chop fruit and roots.
> Some stone tools were attached to handles of bone or wood and used as spears and arrows for hunting.
> For digging the ground to collect edible roots.
> For stitching clothes made out of animal skin.

4. What was the impact of the change in environment around 12,000 years ago?
The climate became slightly warmer.

Grasslands developed in many areas due to the warmer conditions.

Increase in the population of the grass eating animals.

Humans observed the growth of the grain bearing grasses and also learned about the animals.
People moved to a settled life as they started animal rearing and agricultural activities.

5. How a planet is different than a star?
(1) Stars are bigger in size than planets.
(2) Stars have their own heat and light. Whereas planets don’t have their own heat and light, they get it from the stars.
(3) Planets revolve around the stars.

#Class 6 Social Science Half Yearly Exam Solution

G. Answer the following questions within 80-100 words. (3 x 5 = 15)

1. How were the lives of people in the Indus Valley Civilization?
Cities had busy lives as people were engaged in various activities.
> Some people, probably the rulers, were engaged in planning the towns.
> Some people travelled distant places to get variety of materials.
> Some people made jewelry and ornaments of gold and silver.
> Scribes were the people did the reading and writing works.
> Craft persons made variety of things from metals, clay, terracotta, etc.

People is the areas near to the cities were engaged in agricultural activities.

2. How is inequality related to discrimination? Explain with three examples.
Inequality leads to discrimination in the society. When people are not considered equal and not given equal values then they not treated equally. This unequal treatment based on the inequalities is called discrimination.

Example 1: Poor people are not treated equal to the rich because of the unequal distribution of wealth and poverty.
Example 2: People with so called lower castes are not treated well because of the cased inequality.
Example 3: Women are not given equal opportunities because of the gender inequality.

3. What is a leap year? How and when does it occur?

A lean year containing 366 days is called a leap year. In a leap year, February contains 29 days.

Our Earth takes 365 days and 6 hours to complete one full revolution around the Sun. For our convenience of counting the days, we exclude these extra 6 hours in the year. Every year we get extra 6 hours. These extra hours become one full day after 4 years. This extra day is added to the calendar.

Hence a leap year is repeated after every four years.

#Class 6 Social Science Half Yearly Exam Solution

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Class 6 Social Science Half Yearly Exam Solution
Class 6 Social Science Half Yearly Exam Solution