NCERT Class 6 History Chapter 6 Extra Questions covers all the important topics in a simplified way. NCERT Class 6 History Chapter 6 Extra Questions are precise and easy to learn.

NCERT Class 6 History Chapter 6 Extra Questions
1. What do you know about Siddhartha Gautama?
Answer: Siddhartha Gautam was born about 2500 years ago. He belonged to a small gana known as the Sakya gana and was a Kshatriya prince. He left the comforts of his home in search of knowledge. After several years of wandering, thinking, and meditation, he finally attained enlightenment at Bodh Gaya (present-day Bihar, India). After the enlightenment, he was known as the Buddha (or the wise one). He spent the rest of his life traveling and teaching people about life. He was the founder of Buddhism.
2. What are the teachings of Buddha?
Answer: Teachings of Buddha:
(1) Life is full of unhappiness and suffering caused by cravings and desires. These constant cravings could be removed by moderation in everything.
(2) People should be kind and respectful to everyone including animals.
(3) The results of our actions (Karma) affect us both in this and next life.
3. Why did Buddha teach in the Prakrit language?
Answer: Prakrit was the language of ordinary people. He taught in Prakrit so that everybody could understand his message.
4. What are Upanishads?
Answer: The Upanishads are later Vedic texts about the philosophical and religious ideas of life. These texts contained conversations between teachers and students. Often, these ideas were presented through dialogues.
The literal meaning of Upanishad is “approaching and sitting near“.
5. Name some important places associated with Buddha.
> Bodh Gaya (Bihar) where he attained enlightenment.
> Sarnath (Varanasi, UP) where he taught for the first time.
> Kusinara (UP) where he passed away.
6. Who contributed to Upanishads?
Most Upanishadic thinkers were men, especially Brahmins and rajas.
Occasionally, there is mention of women thinkers, such as Gargi.
Poor people rarely took part in these discussions. One famous exception was Satyakama Jabala.
7. What was the idea of the individual soul and universal soul?
Many thinkers felt that there was something permanent in the universe that would last even after death. They described this as the individual soul (Atman) and the universal soul (Brahman). They believed that ultimately, both the atman and the brahman were one.
8. Who was Panini?
Answer: Panini was a popular scholar who prepared grammar for Sanskrit. He arranged the vowels and the consonants in a special order. He also created rules of the language in short many formulae.
9. What were the main teachings of the Mahavira?
(1) Men and women who wished to know the truth must leave their homes.
(2) They must follow very strictly the rules of ahimsa (Non-violence).
(3) All the lives are dear and must be respected.
10. Who were Jainas? How was the life of Jainas?
Answer: The followers of Mahavira were known as Jainas.
Life of Jainas:
(1) They had to lead very simple lives.
(2) They begged for food.
(3) They had to be absolutely honest and were especially asked not to steal.
(4) They had to observe celibacy.
(5) Men had to give up everything, including their clothes.
11. Why was Jainism difficult to follow for many people?
Answer: The rules were very difficult for men and women to follow.
12. Who was Mahavira?
Answer: Vardhamana was the last and 24th Tirthankara of the Jainas, Vardhamana Mahavira. He was a Kshatriya prince of the Lichchhavis gana from Vajji. At the age of thirty, he left home and went to live in a forest. For twelve years he led a hard and lonely life. At last, he attained enlightenment and started teaching people about life.
13. What was Sangha?
Answer: Sangha was the association of the Monks who left their homes and became followers of Buddha and Mahavira.
14. How was the life of Monks in Sangha?
Answer: The lives who joined Sangha had to live simples lives. They meditated for most of the time. They also begged for food.
They taught people about the teachings of Mahavira. and helped one another. They also held meetings to settle any quarrels that took place within the sangha.
15. Who was allowed to join a Sangha?
Answer: Everyone including Slaves, Shudras, and Women could join Sangha. Many people had to take permission for joining the Sangha.
> Children from their parents,
> Slaves from their masters.
> Debtors from their Creditors.
> Wives from their husbands.
> Royal workers from their Kings.
16. Why were Monasteries built??
Answer: Monasteries were the permanent shelters for the Buddhist monks. Monks traveled from place to place for teaching people. Monasteries were built to provide shelter to these monks. These Monasteries were called Viharas.
17. Describe the system of Ashramas.
Answer: Brahmins developed the system of ashramas. Four Ashrams were recognized as various stages of life.
(1) Brahmacharya Ashram | Brahmin, Kshatriya, and Vaishya men were expected to lead simple lives and study the Vedas during the early years of their life |
(2) Grihastha Asharam | Then they had to marry and live as householders |
(3) Vanaprastha Ashram | They had to live in the forest and meditate |
(4) Samnyasa Ashram | Finally, they had to give up everything and become sannyasins. |
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