NCERT Class 7 Civics Chapter 1 Notes cover all the important topics in a simplified and precise way. NCERT Class 7 Civics Chapter 1 Notes are easy to understand and learn for a quick revision.

NCERT Class 7 Civics Chapter 1 Notes
India is a big country with a huge population. A variety of religions, languages, cultural practices, etc. make India a diverse and unique country.
There are some inequalities such as wealth distribution, caste system, gender, etc. Despite the diversities and inequalities, we are united. We are united by our Constitution. Our constitution gives us our rights. These rights make us equal.
- This is a document that lays down the basic rules and regulations for people and the government in the country to follow.
- The principle of the equality of everyone is recognized by our Constitution i.e. The Indian Constitution recognizes every person as equal.
- No discrimination based on Religion, Caste, Language, Color, Gender, Wealth Distribution, Personal Choices, or any other basis.
Equal right to vote
All who are above 18 years of age and eligible to vote to have the equal value of vote as one. This practice is called Universal Adult Franchise. It is an essential aspect of a democracy and we are the world’s largest democracy.
Social Equality
- No discrimination against anyone on any basis.
- No place for Untouchability.
- Equal opportunities for development for everyone.
- Everyone has equal access to all public places and services.
Civil Equality
- Everyone is equal before the law.
- Everyone has to follow the same laws.
- Equal opportunity for all to secure legal protection of their rights and freedom.
Political Equality
- Everyone has equal opportunities to participate in the politics of our country.
Economic Equality
- Equal opportunities for all to work and earn their livelihoods.
Ways to bring equality into the society
The government has tried two to implement equality.
- By making the laws and implementing them.
- By launching government schemes or programs
These schemes are to ensure and help disadvantaged communities. One such scheme is Mid Day Meal scheme.
Mid-Day Meal Scheme
- This refers to the program introduced in all government elementary schools to provide children with cooked lunch.
- Tamil Nadu was the first state to introduce this scheme in 2001. The Supreme court asked every state to implement it.
Positive effects of the program
- Increased enrollment in the schools.
- Regular attendance of the children.
- Hunger problems are solved for the children while studying.
- Caste prejudice is reduced as all sit together and eat.
- Employment of the needy women for cooking and maintaining the work.
Although our government has made the laws and implemented many schemes to bring the practice of equality in society. But still, we observe so many instances where people discriminate against others and act against the laws of the government.
Few examples,
- So-called lower caste people are treated badly or unequally.
- So-called low caste people are not allowed in public places.
- Poor people have to wait in long queues to avail of government services and rich people get special access to the same services.
- Women are not given opportunities to grow as it is considered against the culture.
There are so many such examples present in our society. Even well-educated people follow such types of practices.
Reasons for discrimination:
- People are still not willing to change.
- Despite knowing the laws, people are still not able to practice the principle of equality.
- Some people still consider that women are not worth going outside the home.
- The caste system has deep roots in society and it is difficult to remove.
- Discrimination has become part of our culture and through the years people have accepted it.
If we understand that everyone has dignity and must be treated equally with respect then only we as a society will progress and develop in the right direction.
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#NCERT Class 7 Civics Chapter 1 Notes
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