NCERT Class 7 Civics Chapter 4 Question Answers from Social and Political Life Chapter 4 Growing up as Boys and Girls. NCERT Class 7 Civics Chapter 4 Question Answers include simplified and easy-to-understand solutions to the book exercise.

NCERT Class 7 Civics Chapter 4 Question Answers
1. Are the statements given alongside true or false? Support your answer with the use of an example.
(a) All societies do not think similarly about the roles that boys and girls play. Answer: True. The boys’ work is given more value than that of girls. |
(b) Our society does not make distinctions between boys and girls when they are growing up. Answer: False. Our society has made distinctions between boys and girls since their childhood. Boys are taught to be strong and girls are taught to cook and take care of the family. Boys and girls both are given different toys to play with. |
(c) Women who stay at home do not work. Answer: False. Women who stay at home, do household chores. They do cooking, washing, cleaning, etc. |
(d) The work that women do is less valued than that of men. Answer: True. Women do a lot of work. They take care of homes. But their work is not considered real work. It is assumed that this is easy and natural for women. women are made for household work only. Hence, society does not value the work of women. |
2. Housework is invisible and unpaid work.
Housework is physically demanding.
Housework is time-consuming.
Write in your own words what is meant by the terms ‘invisible‘, ‘physically demanding, and ‘time-consuming‘.
Give one example of each based on the household tasks undertaken by women in your home.
Invisible: The work that is not seen from our eyes or not considered as work.
For example, the main responsibility for household work and caregiving work is by default given to women.
These works are not recognized as works and therefore remain invisible.
Physically demanding: The work that is tough and difficult.
For example, women do a lot of work inside the home. Works such as carrying heavy firewood, fetching water from distant places, washing clothes of the entire family members, etc. are very tough and difficult. Still, women do them regularly without making any complaints.
Time-consuming: Household works that take much time.
For example, women’s routine begins in the early morning and continues up to late at night. During this period they do work regularly as per their needs.
3. Make a list of toys and games that boys typically play and another for girls. If there is a difference between the two lists, can you think of some reasons why this is so? Does this have any relationship to the roles children have to play as adults?
Boys are given toys like cars, guns, swords, buses, railway trains, cricket bats, etc.
Boys play games like kabaddi, hockey, football, etc.
Girls are given toys like dolls, kitchen sets, teddy bears, etc.
Girls play games like badminton, table tennis, and other indoor games.
There is a difference between the toys with which boys play and the toys with which girls play.
> Our society makes clear distinctions between boys and girls.
> Boys are taught to be tough while girls are taught to be mild.
> Boys are expected to do work that requires strength, but girls are expected to remain soft and mild.
All these are ways of telling children that they have specific roles to play when they grow up to be men and women.
4. If you have someone working as a domestic help in your house or locality talk to her and find out a little bit more about her life – Who are her family members? Where is her home? How many hours does she work? How much does she get paid? Write a small story based on these details.
Answer: Write as per your own observation.
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#NCERT Class 7 Civics Chapter 4 Question Answers