NCERT Class 7 History Chapter 7 Extra Questions

NCERT Class 7 History Chapter 7 Extra Questions from the chapter Tribes, Nomads, and Settled Communities. NCERT Class 7 History Chapter 7 Extra Questions covers all the topics in a simplified and precise way for easy learning.

NCERT Class 7 History Chapter 7 Extra Questions
NCERT Class 7 History Chapter 7 Extra Questions

NCERT Class 7 History Chapter 7 Extra Questions

1. Which types of communities were part of Indian society in the Medieval period?

(1) Tribals
(2) Nomads
(3) Settled communities.

2. What was the basic difference between the Tribes and the Settled Communities?

Tribal CommunitiesSettled Communities
Lived in forests.Lived in towns and cities.
Did not follow any social rules described by the Brahmanas.
Followed their own traditions and rituals.
Followed social rules described by the Brahmanas.
They were not divided into unequal classes.These were divided into several unequal classes.
Tribes were mainly dependent on agriculture.
Others were hunter-gatherers or herders.

Some tribes also led a nomadic life and moved from one place to another.
(Performed shifting cultivation)
People undertook all kinds of economic activities for their livelihoods.

3. How did the tribal groups preserve their distinctive culture?
: They usually lived in forests, hills, deserts, and places difficult to reach.
These tribes also retained their freedom and preserved their unique culture.

4. Name some important tribes that lived in the Indian subcontinent?
: Many large tribes thrived in different parts of the subcontinent.
North-western part: Khokhars, Gakkhars, Langahs, Arghuns, Balochis, etc.
North-eastern part: Ahoms, Nagas.
Central part: Bhils, Gonds, Cheros, Santhals, Mundas, Kolis, etc.
Southern part: Koragas, Vetars, Maravars, etc.

5. Who were the nomadic people in the Indian continent?
: Nomadic people moved from place to place regularly and did not have any fixed place for living. There were different types of nomadic people.
(1) Nomadic Pastoralists:
They moved over long distances with their animals. They lived on milk and other pastoral products.

(2) Nomadic Traders:
They bought and sold these goods as they moved from one place to another, transporting them on their animals.

(3) Nomadic Itinerants:
Itinerant groups, such as craftspersons, pedlars, and entertainers travel from place to place practicing their different occupations.

6. Describe the lives of Banjaras.
> Banjaras were traders and also transported goods on their animals.
> Banjaras moved in large groups (Caravans) with thousands of animals and carts.
> These large groups were called “Tanda“. One tanda included many families (500-700 people) carrying their households.
> They traveled 8-10 km during a day and then halted for the night at suitable places.
> They bought grains and other things from various places and sold them at other places to earn profit.

7. How did the Varna Based society change into a Caste-based society?
: As the economy and the needs of society grew, people with new skills were required. Smaller castes, or jatis, emerged within varnas.
Many tribes were taken into caste-based societies with the support of Brahmanas. These social groups were given the status of jatis. Jatis became the basis for organising society

8. What is mentioned about the Gonds in Akbar Nama?
: Akbar Nama mentions the Gond kingdom of Garha Katanga that had 70,000 villages.

9. Describe the Administrative system of the Gonds?
: The administrative system of the Gonds was centralized. The kingdom was divided into Garhs. Each Garh was controlled by a particular Gond clan. Each Garh was divided into Chaurasis (a unit of 84 villages). The Chaurasi was further divided into barhots (a group of 12 villages).

10. What do you know about Rani Durgavati?
: Rani Durgawati was the princess of the Chandel Rajput raja of Mahoba. She was married to Dalpat who was the son of Gond King Sangram Shah. After the early death of Dalpat, Rani Durgavati started ruling on behalf of her five-year-old son. Rani Durgavati was a capable ruler and she extended the Gond Kingdom.

11. Why did the Mughal Forces attack the Gond Kingdom?
: Garha Katanga was a rich state. It earned much wealth by trapping and exporting wild elephants to other kingdoms. When the Mughals defeated the Gonds, they captured a huge amount of precious coins and elephants.

12. Who were Ahoms?
: The Ahoms were tribal people who migrated from Myanmar to the Brahmaputra valley in the 13th century.

13. How did the Ahom Kingdom build a large and powerful state?
: The Ahoms suppressed the old landlords and annexed the kingdoms of Chhutiyas and Koch-Hajo. The Ahoms used firearms, high-quality gunpowder, and cannons to take control of the region.

14. What were the unique features of the Ahom Administration?
: The Ahom administration was centralized. Groups of villages were controlled by smaller clans (Khels).
(1) The Ahoms used forced labor and followed the rotation policy of laborers (Paiks). These laborers contributed to various public works.
(2) A census of population was taken and people were shifted from high populated areas to low populated areas.
(3) All adult makes had to serve in the army during wars.

15. How did the Ahoms adopt Hinduism?
: Earlier, the Ahoms followed their own tribal traditions and practices. But with the increasing influence of Brahmanas, the Ahoms adopted Hinduism. Brahmanas and Temples were given land grants. With the help of Brahmanas, the Ahoms started following Hindu culture.
However, the Ahoms did not completely give up their traditional beliefs after adopting Hinduism.

16. How can we say that the Ahoms society was sophisticated?
: Ahom society was very sophisticated.
(1) They gave land grants to Poets and scholars.
(2) They encouraged theatre.
(3) Important works of Sanskrit were translated into the local language.
(4) Historical works (Buranjis) were also written in their local languages.

17. Describe the social changes that took place in the subcontinent during the medieval period?
: Varna-based society and tribal people constantly interacted with each other. Both kinds of societies changed because of these regular interactions. Over a period of time, many tribal communities merged into a caste-based society. Others rejected both the caste system and orthodox Hinduism.

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