Class 7 science chapter 1 important notes from Nutrition in Plants includes all the important points and definitions to make you understand the topic completely with ease.
Nutrients and Nutrition
Food is essential for all living organisms for the growth and maintenance of their bodies.
Essential food components such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, etc. are called nutrients.
The process of taking and utilizing food by an organism is called nutrition.
Modes of Nutrition
If the organisms make their own food then they are called Autotrophs. (Auto – self, trophos – nourishment)
Plants are autotrophs.
If they are dependent on others for their food then they are called Heterotrophs. (Heteros – Other)
Animals and most other organisms are heterotrophs.
Leaves are the food factories of plants. The process of making food in the presence of light is called Photosynthesis. In the absence of photosynthesis, there will not be any food and almost all the living organisms will directly or indirectly be affected.
- Water and minerals present in the soil are absorbed by the roots and transported to the leaves.
- Carbon Dioxide is absorbed through the tiny pores present on the surface of leaves.
- The energy of the sunlight is captured by a green pigment of the leaves.
- The energy from the sunlight is used in the synthesis of food from Carbon Dioxide and Water.
Tiny pores on leaves through which Carbon Dioxide is absorbed are called Stomata.
Cells surrounding the pores on the leaves are called Guard Cells.
A continuous path or passage for the nutrients to reach the leaf is called Vessels.

(Class 7 Science Chapter 1 Important Notes)

Class 7 science chapter 1 important notes
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