NCERT Class 6 Civics Chapter 2 Extra Questions from Inequality and Discrimination. NCERT Class 6 Civics Chapter 2 Extra Questions covers all the important topics in a simplified and precise way that are easy to understand.

NCERT Class 6 Civics Chapter 2 Extra Questions – MCQs
1. The number of major religions in the world is
A. six
B. seven
C. eight
D. nine
2. An important reason why Muslim girls do not attend a school or drop out of school after a few years is ………….
A. poverty
B. superstition
C. lack of willingness to go to school
D. None of the above
3. Which of the following communities was treated as untouchables in the Bombay Presidency?
A. Koli
B. Mahar
C. Nayar
D. Munda
4. ________ is known as the leader of the Dalits.
A. Dr. Rajendra Prasad
B. Guru Teg Bahadur
C. Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar
D. Sardar Ballabh Bhai Patel
5. India is a secular country. It means _________.
A. People of different religions have the freedom to practice their religion without any discrimination.
B. People of a single religion, i.e. Hinduism are allowed to live in the country.
C. People of India have the freedom to live in any part of the country.
D. All Indians are equal on the basis of caste and creed.
NCERT Class 6 Civics Chapter 2 Extra Questions – Fill in the Blanks
1. Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar fought for the rights of the Dalits.
2. The upper castes did not give the so-called untouchables the same rights as they enjoyed.
3. If you do something to put other people down, you are discriminating against them.
4. People usually form certain altitudes and opinions about others who are not like them.
5. Stereotypes stop us from looking at each person as a unique individual with his/her own special qualities and skills that are different from others.
NCERT Class 6 Civics Chapter 2 Extra Questions – True or False
1. We have more than 1600 languages that are people’s mother tongue. True
2. We feel secure with people who are very different from us. False
3. Dalits are referred to as Scheduled Tribe (ST). False
4. Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar belonged to the Mahar caste which was considered untouchable. True
5. Government jobs are open to people who come from the upper caste. False
NCERT Class 6 Civics Chapter 2 Extra Questions – One word
1. Fixing people into one image. | Stereotype |
2. Judging other people negatively. | Prejudice |
3. Treating someone less fairly than others. | Discrimination |
4. The group of people who were placed at the bottom of the caste ladder. | Untouchables |
NCERT Class 6 Civics Chapter 2 Extra Questions
1. How do we feel in the company of the people who are very much like us?
Answer: We feel safe and secure in the company of such people.
2. Define the term ‘prejudice’ with an example.
Answer: Prejudice means to judge other people negatively or see them as inferior.
3. Mention one drawback of stereotypes.
Answer: Stereotypes prevent us from doing certain things.
4. Mention some activities which are considered less valued.
Answer: Cleaning, washing, cutting hair, picking garbage are considered less valued.
5. Who was Bhim Rao Ambedkar?
Answer: He was a Dalit leader. He fought for the rights of the Dalits.
6. What is it that can unite all Indians?
Answer: Equality of everyone can unite all Indians.
7. “India is a secular country”. What does this mean?
Answer: People of different religions and faiths have the freedom to practice and follow their religion without any fear of discrimination.
8. What does the Constitution say with regard to equality? Why do you think it is important for all people to be equal?
Answer: Our Constitution provides that the state shall not discriminate against any citizen on the basis of religion, race, caste, sex, or region.
It is important for all people to be equal because only then our society would develop in the true sense of the term. It is our right to get respect, equal opportunities.
9. How can the stereotype that girls are a burden on their parents affects the life of a daughter? Imagine this situation and list at least five different effects that this stereotype can have on the way daughters get treated in the house.
Answer: Girls are treated badly and discouraged from doing many things. They are not given equal opportunities.
– Girls would feel discouraged and they would not concentrate on their studies.
– They are not allowed to follow their hobbies.
– Sometimes girls are not allowed to join any school or college.
– They are not treated well even after the marriage.
– They have to compromise on many things in their lives.
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