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#Diversity and Discrimination

NCERT Class 6 Civics Chapter 2 Notes
India is the home of religious, cultural, and geographical diversities. Diversity sometimes leads to inequality and then discrimination.
What is Inequality?
Our country is full of diversities. We have people from different backgrounds.
The differences among people in their status or value in society are called inequalities.
Reasons for Inequalities | Examples |
(1) Unequal Wealth Distribution | Rich and Poor |
(2) Gender Bias | Male and Female |
(3) Racism | Dark Skin and Fair Skin People |
(4) Casteism | Upper and Lower Castes |
(5) Education | Educated and Uneducated People |
We generally like to become friends with people who are similar to us and People with different backgrounds are seen differently.
Prejudice | Stereotype |
Prejudice is to judge someone negatively or see them as inferior. When we see people from different backgrounds, we judge them negatively. Example: (1) Villagers don’t care about their health. (2) People in cities only care about money. | Generalizing an opinion that may not be true is called a stereotype. When we fit large numbers of people into only one pattern or type. Example: (1) Boys are not good at cooking. (2) Girls are not good at sports. |
People are not treated equally due to these prejudices and stereotypes. This unequal treatment of someone is called Discrimination.
People feel very bad when people are discriminated against.
Reasons for Discrimination:
>Difference in Backgrounds
(1) Poor people are not given equal respect.
(2) Women and girls are not given equal opportunities for education and jobs.
(3) Fair people make fun of dark-skinned people.
(4) Lower caste people are not given equal value and status.
(5) Uneducated people are not seen with respect.
(6) Some jobs or work are not valued by people.
Structure of Our Society
(1) Upper Castes (General or Unreserved Castes)
(2) Lower Castes (Scheduled Castes)
(3) Tribal People (Scheduled Tribes)
(4) Other Backward Class (OBC)
Scheduled Castes
Many people have been discriminated against as they were considered untouchables. These people were considered at the lowest level in our caste system. People belonging to these lower castes called themselves Dalits. Dalit means broken as they felt broken by the discrimination against them.
The government refers to these people as Scheduled Castes (SC).
Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar
>Belonged to a Lower Caste (Mahar Community) from Maharashtra.
>Experienced caste-based discrimination.
>Was first to complete college education from his caste.
>Went to England for studies and became a Lawyer.
>Fought for Dalits’ Rights after returning to India.
>Encouraged the Dalits to get an education and fight for their rights.
>Helped in making laws in the Constitution for the welfare of the Dalits.
>Later, converted to Buddhism.
Striving for Equality
Dalits, women, tribals, and peasants (farmers) fought against the inequalities and discrimination they experienced in their lives.
People from all classes participated and fought together in the struggle of India for freedom. When India became independent, our leaders realized that the inequalities and discrimination against the people must end then only our country can progress.
Hence, rules and laws were framed to bring equality among the people of India.
The constitution of India sees everyone as equal and gives equal rights to everyone.
The Constitution –
>gives equal opportunities to everyone.
>Gives freedom to practice and follow any religion.
>ended the untouchability.
Our government has been trying to bring equality among people by making laws and implementing various schemes.
Along with the Government’s efforts, the mindset of people needs to be changed too. All the stereotypes need to be broken.
All these collective efforts will promote equality among the people of India.
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