Class 4 Social Studies Question Answers

Class 4 Social Studies Question Answers include simplified and precise question answers from class 5 SST chapters. Class 4 Social Studies Question Answers also cover all the topics to ensure maximum learning.

Class 4 Social Studies Question Answers

Class 4 Social Studies Exercises include all the exercise questions so that the students understand questions from all the chapters and feel comfortable in exams.

1. Landforms of the World
2. India
3. The Northern Mountains
4. The Northern Plains
5. The Great Indian Desert
6. The Southern Plateau
7. The Coastal Plains and Islands
8. The Climate of Our Country
9. Natural Resources
10. Soils of India
11. Forests of India
12. Our Water Wealth
13. Our Mineral Wealth
14. Agriculture and Industries
15. Means of Transport
16. Sending Messages
17. Our Culture and Heritage
18. People Who Made a Difference
19. Our Rights and Duties
20. Our National Symbols
21. Saving the Environment